Ground Breaking Ceremony of 500kV Switching Substation of Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 Extension Thermal Power Plant Project

Attendees of the ceremony included  Mr. Huynh Nhat Trung – Representative of  TPMB Vinh Tan, Deputy Site Manager; Mr. Vu Nhu Hiep – Deputy Project Manager of  Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 (PECC3); Mr. Nguyen Trong Nam – Chief Operating Officer of  Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 (PECC2); Mr. Gi-Bong Kwack – Site Manager of Doosan Heavy Industries (DHI); Mr. Trinh Van Tuan – General Director of Power Construction Joint Stock Company 1 (PCC1) and nearly 30 relevant participants.

Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 Extension are among priority constructions of the Government, owned by EVN, belonging to Vinh Tan Thermal Complex, in which the capacity of Vinh Tan 4 is of 2x600MW and Vinh Tan 4 Extension of 1x600MW.

The project of 500kV switching substation construction and installation, in which PECC2 plays as an EPC general contractor includes 3 packages:

-  Construction package: implemented by PCC1;

-  Equipment supplying package: implemented by Siemens Vietnam;

- Steel structure manufacture and supply package: Implemented by Electro - Mechanical Enterprise (EME/PECC2).

As scheduled in the contract, the construction and installation of 500kV Vinh Tan 4 Switching substation start in progress in April 2016, divided into 3 stages:

  1. Stage 1 – Temporary connection for  commissioning, the expected acceptance of Unit 1 in early July 2016;
  2.  Stage 2 - Power supply to Unit 2, planned in Mid- December 2016;
  3. and Stage 3 - Synchronizing Unit 1, planned in the first quarter of 2017.

Once completed, three units of Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 Extension will be connected to the busbar of 500kV Vinh Tan 4 Switching Substation through 3 upgraded voltage transformers. The 500kV Vinh Tan 4 Switching substation with configuration of one and a half circuit breakers (3/2 configuration) will be connected to the 500 kV switchgear of Vinh Tan Power Center through 500kV overhead double circuit with 2km in length.

The construction of Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 Extension plays a significant role in contributing to ensuring economic and safe power supply for the South region and lowering transmission capacity from the North to the South, reducing power losses and increasing security, stability, economy of power system. Besides, the implementation of 500 kV Vinh Tan 4 Switching Substation is also vital to PECC2 because this is the first EPC contract in substation of the Company and also is a stepping for PECC2 to take further firm steps in EPC power projects in the future.

Writer: Huy Thanh

Photographer: Le Tien

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