The Unit 2 of O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant wins the 2016 prestigious Construction Quality Prize granted by Ministry of Construction

Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung awarded the prizes

These prestigious quality prizes of the Ministry of Construction are given to contractors whose works are of high quality in order to honor their achievements in the field of consultancy, design, construction and supervision. The prizes also prove the recognition of the society, the quality assurance, being the pride of the workers and engineers who took part in the stage of investigation, design and implement of the works.

O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant’s Unit 2

Location: Thoi Loi Village, Phuoc Thoi Ward, O Mon District, Can Tho Province


Capacity: 330MW

Total Investment: 9.722 Billion (equivalent to USD 462 Million)

Designer: TEPSCO & PECC2

Supervisor: TEPSCO

Contractor: Consortium of Daelim (Korea) – Sojitz (Japan)

Date of Operation: 06/11/2015

PECC2 is honored to receive the 2016 High Quality Construction Prize for Unit 2 of O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant

O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant, comprising two units with total capacity of 2x330MW, is a gas turbine thermal power plant. Since the successful completion in 2009, Unit 1 has been put into commercial operation of high quality and was voted as one of 65 typical construction projects to win the 2010 Vietnam Construction Quality Gold Cup Prize. In this project, PECC2 was the contractor in charge of technical design, bidding documents and supervision consultancy. Unit 1 has been still showing good construction quality and operating safely and reliably so far.

O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant

The project quality decides the honor and pride of the contractor. Being a strong brand name of power consulting, PECC2 highly values the quality and continuously strives its best in contributing to the development and prosperity of our country.

4 power projects of PECC2
won the Vietnam Construction Quality Gold Cups

Over 30 years in the engineering consulting of power plant and network projects, PECC2 has made its own mark on numerous large power projects, many of which have become the symbol and pride of the Vietnam Electricity.

In acknowledgement of its excellent achievements, 4 projects implemented by PECC2 were selected by the Ministry of Construction to win the Vietnam Construction Quality Cup organized for the first time in 2010.

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