PECC2 Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting 2013

The meeting approved the reports on the business and production results in the first half and the plan for the second half of the year 2013, as well as contributed opinions to the resolutions proposed by Board of Directors in the spirit of democracy and responsibility. As the result, 100 % of representatives agreed with the resolutions of the Meeting as follows: Supplementing several more business activities to the company registration, amendments of the Company Charter referring to Independent Member of Board of Directors (BOD) as stipulated in Circular 121/ 2012/TT-BTC, and  to the case of Chairman cum CEO.

The meeting also carried out an election for two new members of Board of Directors, term II (2012 – 2017) with the results below:

Mr. Nguyen Chon Hung won 4,034,094 votes and achieved 108, 58% of total valid votes.
Mr. Truong Khac Len won 3,249,686 votes and achieved 87, 47% of total valid votes.
Having had Election results, the new Board of Directors held a meeting and made a decision:

1.    Mr. Pham Van Thao – Chairman;
2.    Mr. Nguyen Chon Hung – Member of BOD cum Chief Executive Officer;
3.    Mr. Ninh Viet Dinh – Member of BOD;
4.    Mr. Nguyen Trong Nam – Member of BOD;
5.    Mr. Truong Khac Len – Member of BOD (Independent).

Photos following captured atmosphere of the Meeting:

Shareholder’s representatives registered at the meeting.

The Meeting was in a solemn atmosphere

Mr. Truong Khac Len represented shareholders to make a speech

Shareholders concentrated in the meeting contents

Shareholders approved the proposes.

Shareholders voted for 2 new members of Board of Directors.

New Chairman – Mr. Pham Van Thao presented flowers to Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh (left) and Mr. Nguyen Van Hau (right)

New Chief Executive Officer made a speech to undertake the assignments.

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