Human Resources

Treasuring Personnel as the most valuable assets, PECC2 has considered the training and investment in human resources the top priority in its development strategy.Not only does PECC2 value and enable senior staff to best deploy their expertise and experience, but has also appreciated young employees’ capabilities as the current and future vitality.
Together with the improvement of employment quality, the personnel capability has frequently been enhanced via various and flexible training activities. Furthermore, each staff is remunerated based on their ability, working efficiency and achievements. Consequently the Company has competitive edges in attracting the gray matter resource, training as well as effective usage of labour force.
    Professional, Expertise
    Executives, Specialists
    Skilled Workers


PECC2’s Corporate Culture Handbook and The Code of Conduct regulate and state clearly its commitment on behavior standards and professional ethnics of PECC2 to its staff, customers, partners, community and society, affirming the PECC2 Core Values: “Dedication - Passion – Innovation”.