Interview with Mr. Maxim Elchishchev – General Director of LLC "AES-Buran" on Ninh Thuan 1 Nuclear Power Plant

PECC2 News: Could you please introduce your company?

As you may know, Intergovernmental Agreement was signed on 31 October 2010 in Ha Noi. Accordingly, Vietnam Electricity (EVN), State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM and 'E4 Group' of Russian Federation had a memorandum on cooperation in the preparation and execution of the signed intergovernmental agreements.

'E4 Group' being a party to the agreement is not accidental. With extensive experience in construction of power sector in Russia, both thermal and nuclear power plants, and being not a an institution of Rosatom, E4 Group is regarded suitable with the role of independent expert to Rosatom’s works and to work as a consultant for EVN.

In addition, to strengthen its efforts in the field of nuclear technology development, 'E4 Group' has established a subsidiary company 'AES-Buran' focusing on nuclear power industry.

Currently, the nuclear energy market urgently needs high quality services of the specialized 'architects', particularly in countries persuing development of nuclear power.

We - LLC 'AES-Buran' focus on providing that services.

We support and develop all the competencies required to support the customer in all phases of nuclear power plant construction, including the approval of the site, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, contracts with contractors, acceptance of works and commissioning of nuclear power plants in operation. Competence and responsibility are our priorities.

PECC2 News: Safety is the most concerning question. In your opinion, what are the lessons for Ninh Thuan 1 Nuclear Power Project from the Fukushima?

Indeed, Fukushima made ​​everyone more intently interested to the safety issues. We had prepared a very detailed report on such subject. Our experts are already to participate in the Seminar in this Exhibition.

Realizing that the Fukushima nuclear power plant applied the previous generation of reactor, operation principle of modern reactor of Vienam in the future will exclude that event. Our responsibilities are to pay special attention to safety issues. It should be particularly noted that the lessons of Fukushima must be addressed in future projects plants in the following aspects:

• Appropriate combination of active and passive safety systems in one project.

• It is necessary to ensure the autonomy and re-start of active and passive safety systems, protection of dependent failures in extreme and popular conditions.

• It is necessary to ensure the accessibility to nuclear power plant for emergency services in the extreme conditions of disasters and destruction.

• It is necessary to ensure the possibility of supplying means of transmission and sources of energy in cases of destruction and debris (including aviation).

It is clear that it is vital to assess the impacts of external factors in an attempt to avoid errors in construction site selection of nuclear power plant and protect our “earth”.

PECC2 News: And yet, despite the optimism of the analysis and conclusions, many countries have informed to reject the nuclear power. What is your comment?

There are always opposing views and sometimes I am one of them. I do not think this is true. As a rule, the truth is between them.

The same happens with the attitude to the peaceful atom. Today, under the influence of subjective factors such as massive media, negative opinions are prevailed. And if you look at the situation objectively, we can raise a question: 'What has changed globally?' There are many example presenting the advantages and disadvantages of such energy. Final answer has not been found! Therefore, it firmly believes that, all methods of electricity generation have a right to exist and can be selected accordingly to the specific condition

Mr. Maxim Elchishchev exchanged with the Client and PECC2 at the stand of 'AES-Buran'

PECC2 News: Would you mind introducing about the features of the first nuclear power plant project in Vietnam?

Regarding this issue, our specialists have prepared the appropriate reports, which will be submitted in time. The report will show the characteristics of the existing projects and a brief analysis of functions.

To introduce Ninh Thuan 1 Nuclear Power Project in brief, VVER reactor of Russia, which is characterized by horizontal steam generators and a combination of active and passive safety systems, will be applied. This technology has long been tested and proven to be safe and competitive.

I believe that the selection of VVER reactor is a wise choice and 'AES-Buran' tries its best to construct the globally best nuclear power plant in Vietnam.

PECC2 News: Thanks so much for your time and information!


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